
Monday, September 19, 2005

New Giant Henge at Stonehenge ?

David Vallis in his September 14, 2005 Salisbury Journal & Avon Advertiser article entitled Dig throws new light on Stonehenge mystery reports that new archaeological work at Durrington Walls near Stonehenge has revealed an ancient large circular henge and causeway or walkway, leading ca. 30 meters from Durrington Walls to the Avon River. Archaeologists suggest that the causeway was used to transport the deceased from the henge to the river.

Well, my goodness, is that not exacty what was done in Egypt, as the deceased kings were transported by causeway to the Nile from their funeral location (e.g. a pyramid) to their final burial place?
in later dynasties e.g. the Valley of Kings.

My next posting sheds more light on the origin of the cults of Egypt and their relation to ancient European cultures.

Stonehenge Lidar Photography (Lidar = Light Detection and Ranging)

Stonehenge has been photographed from the air by a new technology known as LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging). This new Stonehenge Aerial Survey "had its origins in the requirement for English Heritage and the National Trust to produce a management plan for the World Heritage Site at Stonehenge, and an archaeological response to the improvements to the roads around Stonehenge (and the new Visitor Centre).. The results were spectacular ... and ... are published in greater detail in "New light on an ancient landscape: lidar survey in the Stonehenge World Heritage Site" by Bewley, Crutchley and Shell in Antiquity, Vol 79:305 [pp. 636-647]...."