"Cahokia Mounds, some 13 km north-east of St. Louis, Missouri,
is the largest pre-Columbian settlement north of Mexico. "
Cahokia Decipherment by Andis Kaulins

My decipherment of the Cahokia Mounds was made possible through the map recently sent to me by Steve Burdic.
My decipherment shows that the Cahokia Mounds were intended as hermetic representations of the stars of the heavens, including stars from the following modern constellations: those marking the four seasons in the heaven of stars - Aquila (Winter), Scorpio (Autumn) Perseus (Spring) and Leo (Summer).
In addition, Cahokia shows the Pole Star position as well as the position of the North Ecliptic Pole.
Lastly, stars of Ursa Major, Draco, Cepheus, Cassiopeia, Cygnus, Ophiuchus, Bootes, Virgo, Coma Berenices, and Leo Minor are shown.
There may be solar lines here, but that is not my interest at the moment. The major "architectural" features of Cahokia are intended to represent the starry constellations at night.
The correspondences are not always perfect, but the relationship is clear when one views the whole.
The Ursa Major equivalence, e.g. is very well represented. Cepheus and Cassiopeia are both excellently reproduced. Scorpio on the other hand is missing one star at the head, the left one - although this was the first group of stars identified nevertheless due to Antares. Some of the other alleged star positions show too few stars to be certain. Nevertheless, that the mounds represent the stellar heavens is clear, and the principle used is the same as we previously have found throughout the world, also e.g. at Tikal
(see http://www.megaliths.net/mesoamerica.htm).
Using the positions of the stars as obtained, the original plan of Cahokia must be substantially older than currently dated by the scholars - or - their builders relied on long outdated stellar parameters.
Some other sites of interest in this regard are:
Cahokia Mounds Topography - Maps of Cahokia - http://www.museum.state.il.us/vrmuseum/jshape/cahokia2.html
Cahokia Site Map and Virtual Tour - http://www.cahokiamounds.com/virtual_tour.html
Illinois Historic Preservation Agency - http://www.illinoishistory.gov/hs/cahokia_mounds.htm
Archaeological Sites - Cahokia - http://www.mnsu.edu/emuseum/archaeology/sites/northamerica/cahokia.html
Cahokia Mound 72 - http://lithiccastinglab.com/gallery-pages/2001augustmound72excavation1.htm
National Park Service - Cahokia - http://www.cr.nps.gov/worldheritage/cahokia.htm
Mississippian Civilization - http://www.hp.uab.edu/image_archive/up/upi.html
Mississippi Artifacts - http://www.mississippian-artifacts.com/
Gottschall Site - http://www.tcinternet.net/users/cbailey/Gottsiteoverview.html
Indian Mounds of Mississippi - http://www.cr.nps.gov/nr/travel/mounds/
FAMSI - http://www.famsi.org/